This last couple weeks I've become obsessed with paracord. Small but impossibly strong rope, You can do almost anything with this rope! Dog collars, Leashes, Belts, Bracelets and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm going to show you how to make a simple keychain out of paracord.
First we're going to cut the desired paracord to length.
Your length needs to be at least 3 times longer than the finished project length is. Once your paracord is cut to size were going to loop it into the split ring.
Your now going to take the black strand and place it over the three others, And the white cord underneath the other three strands.
Pull the white cord through over the Black cord, And the same with the black cord.
Pull both cords tight, The tighter the better.
.Keep crossing the cords just like image 3 until you've finished the length of your project
Once your at the end cut off any exsess there may be.
Carefully take a lighter and melt the ends to seal the keychain.
Ta-Da. Oh and for you beginners beware the paracord blisters!